It's official: "Cancer Crossings: A Brother, His Doctors and the Quest to Cure Childhood Leukemia" will be published this weekend.
Thanks to so many people for believing in the project, which was a departure for me in many ways.
The great group of editors at Cornell Press, starting with Dean Smith, Fran Benson and Suzanne Gordon, made this a much better book than the original manuscript.
Also, thanks to the doctors who spoke with me and took the time to explain what it was like to take on this shape-shifter of a disease. We lost Dr. James Holland, one of the giants in this field in recent weeks. But his words and philosophy live on in these pages.
And, finally, special thanks to my family. We've been through a lot together and we continue to sail for the far horizon. Read More
Publication Day for "Cancer Crossings"
My Latest for Psychology Today
In this column, I write about an important conversation I had with Dr. Donald Pinkel while researching "Cancer Crossings: A Brother, His Doctors and the Quest for a Cure Childhood Leukemia." Dr. Pinkel was the first director of pediatrics at Roswell Park in Buffalo and went on to build St. Jude Hospital in Memphis. Here he's shown with the hospital's founder, actor Danny Thomas.
Pinkel's insights helped me understand the dynamics within my own family during the years my brother was battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
The new column is entitled "No Time for Conversation." Read More
CCrossings Excerpt in Psychology Today
Thrilled to be asked to do a monthly blog for Psychology Today. We kick things off with an excerpt from "Cancer Crossings: A Brother, His Doctors and the Quest for a Cure to Childhood Leukemia."
A reminder that the official book launch will be at Politics & Prose, the great independent bookstore in Washington, D.C., on Sunday April 22. The events begins at 1 p.m. with amazing novelist and good friend Mary Kay Zuravleff moderating the discussion. More events coming soon. Keep an eye on the Calendar section on this web site. Read More
Finishing Galleys edits for Cancer Crossings

Coming down the homestretch. These edits need to be back to the publisher by mid-September.