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A baker's dozen of gigs

At Politics & Prose in Washington, D.C.

For the past month, I've been living that old Johnny Cash song. I've been to Buffalo, Medina, Leroy, Auburn, Petoskey, Traverse City, and many bookstores in between, promoting REBEL FALLS.

Thanks to everyone who turned out. It was grand to see so many familiar faces and friends, and make new acquaintances along the way.

The road is always full of surprises. For example, so many folks turned up at Author's Note in Medina, N.Y., that we did back-to-back, hour-long sessions due to fire-code regulations. We had a SRO crowd at the prestigious Politics & Prose in D.C. And we had such a great response in northern Michigan that the novel went to No. 1 last week in sales at Brilliant Books, the great indie bookstore in Traverse City, topping such luminaries as Jacqueline Winspear and Stephen King.

Good fun. So much so, plans are afoot to hit the road again in the near future. 

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