OK, we cannot be too surprised to hear that Mark McGwire did performance-enhancing drugs, especially during The Great Home Race of 1998.
I covered that season for Baseball Weekly and got as caught as anybody in the hoopla. Still, I remembered how McGwire was a rookie with the Oakland Athletics. Certainly a big guy, but he was still lanky. Not as muscle-bound as he would become.
After leaving the Bay Area after the 1987 season, I didn't follow McGwire for several years. That's why I was stunned to see what he had morphed into, thanks to weights and steroids, a few years later.
After watching Bob Costas' interview with McGwire, I cannot help thinking that the Maris family is right: Roger Maris is the once and future single-season, home run king.
I covered that season for Baseball Weekly and got as caught as anybody in the hoopla. Still, I remembered how McGwire was a rookie with the Oakland Athletics. Certainly a big guy, but he was still lanky. Not as muscle-bound as he would become.
After leaving the Bay Area after the 1987 season, I didn't follow McGwire for several years. That's why I was stunned to see what he had morphed into, thanks to weights and steroids, a few years later.
After watching Bob Costas' interview with McGwire, I cannot help thinking that the Maris family is right: Roger Maris is the once and future single-season, home run king.